This weekend felt long. Instead of editing, I went out to shoot! On Saturday I continued experimenting with infrared and on Sunday I had a collaborated, photo shoot with fashion model Rezia Braza (ig - @memorykeeper4). Both days went a lot better then expected!
Cloudy Day + Infrared.
Cloudy days can be unpredictable for the most part, but there are moments when the sun peaks through! Additionally, I found the most exciting thing, water seems to absorb a lot of infrared lighting!
(you are not in Kansas' anymore!)
Will definitely continue to experiment with this on another cloudy day! Infrared is definitely letting me see things differently, tone-wise. I am at a point in my life where the "unknown" creatively can be exciting as well. So, as I continue with infrared, I will be walking with no clear destination, but to walk and explore (if anything, I can only watch my shows now with something new to edit and can no longer feel "content" with just doing nothing at home). I need to maintain a balance between old and new work.
Fall / Rainy-day Shoot with Reiza Braza
A few days before the shoot, Reiza reached out to see if we were still working together since Sunday was forecast for rain. Eager to shoot and experiment, I said yes! Sunday approached, along with the rain and clouds, and I was on my way.
Being the weekend, I forgot how unreliable public transportation can be. I gambled ,and lost time and therefore my confidence in the shoot. Arriving 15-30 minutes late, I was grateful for Reiza being so nice and giving me the benefit of the doubt. We proceeded with the shoot, but I was no longer confidence with myself at all that day. Still, I managed through, taking time to use my off-camera flash instead of in-camera, and then, once the flash stopped being reliable due to low batteries (another "damn it!" moment lol), I switched to natural lighting. Below is a shot from my Nikon D90 using a 50 mm lens in natural lighting.
With all that going on, I did not stop feeling negatively about myself until I got home when I started to look through the days work. I was shocked and wowed! The photos came out great and I had to laugh at myself since I was back to my old ways of feeling down and being under-confidence with my abilities.
It did not help that the commute home was long to say the least. During that time I analyzed the day to see what I could have done differently. Besides managing my time better, I realize I need to practice different lighting scenarios. Even with my current imperfections, being able to experiment and improvise creatively is what has allowed me to make it this far, but in order to master all light I need to play with different sources.
To summarize my experiences this weekend, I am learning when I am overthinking. When I do, I let it go at the moment and return to it letter. I can see improvement with my editing, but still need to work on my confidence during a shoot. Confidence is key and once I master that, I will see where I go from there.
One day at time, the walls begin to disappear.
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© Sergio Terán Baldizón Photography. All rights reserved.