meaning to write a while back, but lately i just have been in my head, so nothing cohesive and just babel
Near Rhode Island-Brentwood, Washington DC. 20180310.8145
Canon 80D || 64mm (EF-S18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM) || 1/250 • f/22 • iso 400
Tomorrow I am owning my first Twin Lens Reflex (TLR) camera, finally settling with the Minolta Autocord, which I feel privileged to be able to purchase from Shaun Schroth. Such clarity and purchasing this awesome camera is reminding me of the first time I got into photography at Roanoke College, when I purchased my Canon Program AE-1 for class, only this time I am purchasing my first medium-format film camera, and plan to shoot more in the 6x6 square format on a 120 negative. I may have to channel my inner Robert Capa and put it to the test (i kid i kid).
Christmas in March! My only selfishness for the year I hope :P (photography can be an expensive hobby, but an addiction when it is a way of life).
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© Sergio Terán Baldizón Photography. All rights reserved.