it is starting to feel that way
gloves are definitely very useful, along with a good jacket, scarf and hat ^^
Saturn's Moon Enceladus - Wanderlust Series
Untitled. Hyattsville, Maryland. 20171123.0091
Nikon D90 || 50 mm f/1.8 || 5 sec • f/5.0 • 1000 iso
I do not remember the details too well, but when we moved from Florida to DC, we traveled by bus. If I had to guess, I would say we traveled by Greyhound. I have some flashbacks of the travel where I noticed how increasingly, the closer we got to DC, there would be spots of white that would appear, here, there, and throughout our passing. It was snow. Living in Florida, I knew no such thing and so once we arrived to DC, and to our destination in Mount Pleasant, I remember stopping to touch the nearest batch of white snow on the side. It was cold and hard. It was iced. It surprised me, because it was not soft as I was anticipating.
Thinking about this now, the snowstorm must have passed weeks prior.
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© Sergio Terán Baldizón Photography. All rights reserved.