the devil's in the details
"Saturn's Moon Enceladus - Wanderlust Series"
Suitland, Maryland. 20171119.9697
Canon 80D || 18mm (EF-S18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS UMS) || Singh-Ray IR690 Filter || 30 sec • f/16 • iso 100
So the clouds were out and I had to at least take this shot. Glad I did. Really like how I managed to capture and make the cross on the chapel stand out.
I look forward to summer and its intense light, but for now, I am exploring as I go. Eventually, I will be doing nudes in infrared and in nature of course. But currently, I am stuck looking for private and secure locations around the DMV-area.
So I am refining and updating my process as much as I can before the Spring and Summer time comes along again. And so far it is helping me see more effectively and objectively.
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© Sergio Terán Baldizón Photography. All rights reserved.