Hyattsville, Maryland. 20171104.8369
Canon 80D || 24mm (EF-S24mm f/2.8 STM) || 20 sec • f/2.8 • iso 100
I must admit, I am loving the smooth transition from Lightroom to Photoshop. In the past, I remember it being slow.
Instead of using Lightroom for the tones (like I did with Under the Bridge), this time I decided to just play with the adjustments in Photoshop. I am very impress and giddy :P I was able to get these colors popping some mad soda pop ^^ If you must know, I was just feeling a bit adventurous and decided to just explore the settings to their extremities. By doing so, I was able to fine tune to my balance.
For next time: Since I love that milky effect on the photo from that slow shutter. Next time, I'll go for a full minute, so maybe - 60 sec • f/11
till then, when this sun gonna come out and play, y'all?!
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© Sergio Terán Baldizón Photography. All rights reserved.