of light
Roanoke College, Salem Virginia. 2008-2011
Canon AE1 Program || 50mm f/1.4 • Kodak Tmax 100
Shapes and forms, in the room. A student of life.
Lately I have been thinking more about traveling and the type of pictures that I would like to capture along the way. No real plans, but a strong feeling to do it is certainly developing everyday.
Will need to alleviate these thoughts and feelings by shooting digitally again around the city, something I haven't done since working with film again.
Stay tune and if you haven't checked it out, my photo blog for my nude work is now available! Membership is required, but it is free! Check it out ----> www.naret.photography/passjupitersway
looking for a ride?
i gots you
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© Sergio Terán Baldizón Photography. All rights reserved.