the claw
Next to the Brookland Metro Platform. Washington DC. 2018
Olympus - 35 SP || Olympus G. Zuiko 42mm f/1.7 • Ilford Delta 100 (WD2D Developer 1+1+50)
I love this rangefinder camera! I bought it because it has a 7-element lens and I wanted to confirm its quality, which folks mentioned was amazing, and it is!
This image is almost straight out of the camera/scanner (SOOC/SOOS), but I had to decrease the highlights by -15 in Lightroom. It needed it, since I wanted some of the details (about zone 7/8) from the wood on the right back.
I love how the lower bottom is a bit in soft focus, while gradually getting shaper as the image recedes towards the background as well. What say you?
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(c) Naret Photography. All rights reserved.