i enjoy film,
but with the leisure provided in digital printing
American University, Washington DC. 2018
Canon AE-1 Program || 50mm f/1.4 lens
I enjoy shooting film because I found the shooting and development process enables me to shoot less and to be more selective. Automation is nice indeed, but sometimes going manual allows and forces a greater sense of control with the craft, and it enables growth and exploration. For this reason, I believe Film Photography is never going away, and shouldn't.
I am conflicted however, because I enjoy darkroom printing in black and white for the most part, but it is something that I am not passionate about 100%. So I do not see myself getting into color printing. Instead, I see now I am more passionate about the images and their content. I am never satisfy with one image and my mind is always on to the next one. I do not compete with anyone. Instead I compete with myself and hope the next day brings a new way of thinking in how I approach my photography. So I do not have time to think about darkroom printing I found and will automate the majority of that via digital print. I amuse myself by accepting that this is how I will mix digital and film together to benefit me, myself, and I. Who knows of course, I may change my mind down the line. Nothing is ever set on stone (the beauty on the "temporary" limitations that we place upon ourselves)
Artists can paint or create digitally now. The option to create by hand is still there, and I believe it will be the same with photography .
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© Sergio Teran Baldizon Photography. All rights reserved.